Latest Release


MOZI, a multi-faceted artist whose musical palette ranges from pop to country, has burst onto the music scene with his fifth release. His passionate connection to music was ignited at the tender age of six, when a glimpse of a guitar in a shop window not only sparked his interest, but also his desire to master the instrument. This wish came true when he received a guitar as a Christmas present. At the same time, his grandfather introduced him to the world of piano music, which laid the foundation for his later career.

MOZI drew his musical inspiration from the timeless melodies of the Beatles and the complex horn concertos of Mozart, a mixture that still characterises his music today. His journey on stage began in the third grade, and his experiences in the boys’ choir added an extra dimension to his musical development.

Today, MOZI is not only an accomplished guitarist and pianist, but also a horn player and masters an impressive number of other instruments. His music demonstrates a deep understanding and dedication that appeals to listeners of all ages and reflects the diversity of his influences. With each song he releases, MOZI cements his place in the music world and leaves his listeners eagerly awaiting what comes next.

smoking Musician Mozi Black and White


Laurelle Charity Video

The Day I lost my Sister

Last year, I experienced a profound personal tragedy — the loss of my beloved sister. She battled bravely against the shadows of deep depression, a silent struggle that often goes unseen and unheard in our society. This Friday, I am releasing a new song accompanied by a benefit video, dedicated to her memory and to all those who face similar battles.

This project is more than just a tribute; it’s a clarion call for awareness and understanding. Depression is a pervasive issue, yet it remains shrouded in stigma and misunderstanding. Through my music and this video, I aim to shine a light on the reality of depression, to honor my sister’s fight, and to break the taboo surrounding mental health.

white on black half laurel wreath

Winner of Hearts

white on black half laurel wreath
white on black half laurel wreath

“TOP 5 Newcomer”
Radio Essen

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white on black half laurel wreath

“< 1MIO Streams”

white on black half laurel wreath

Press Outputs

What people say
about MOZI

Radio Essen: “MOZI has quite a few facets. He is studying economics, has a hunting licence, a perfectly behaved dog and has now released his first single. In addition to talent, it always takes a bit of courage to release a song as a newcomer.”

“His shy nature almost stood in his way. Fortunately, he released his song after all, despite his initial insecurities. And we’re really grateful, because it means we can introduce you to his song “ME N’ YOU” in the Ruhr charts. But MOZI isn’t always quite so shy and reserved. If you ever get honked at in a traffic jam by a guy with a hunting horn, it’s probably MOZI.”

ME N YOU Single Cover MOZI

Radio Essen

In the realm of musical enchantment, MOZI’s latest single “Bad Kiss” stands as a testament to his prodigious talent. With this mellifluous creation, the German virtuoso with French lineage masterfully captures the tender essence of first love, evoking a captivating tableau of youthful ardor intertwined with a discordant tapestry of resentment and frustration. Yet, it is essential to discern that this impassioned maestro is no mere dalliance, but a resolute force to be reckoned with.

MOZI, an artist grounded in authenticity, pours his heart and soul into each composition…

BAD KISS Single Cover MOZI

Daily Music Spin/ Chelsea for BAD KISS

Moritz-4 Kopie
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